Honoring the Promise of Inclusion, the Power of Love.
Through the Delphi Process, we are inviting all organizations to create an audiovisual presentation that they would like to see in the opening presentation. If your organization already has a presentation, that is great! Please submit it following the guidelines below. If your organization does not yet have a presentation, please create your presentations according to the guidelines.
Submission Guidelines
- Content topics must be related to the furtherance of Global Understanding, Reconciliation and Change
- Any media type that can be digitally transmitted is allowed. For example: slideshows, audio, scanned or photographed artwork, etc (final presentation will be presented in video format)
- You must have ownership rights to the content contained in the presentation (no copyright infringement)
- You must release your content to us with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license allowing us to create derivative works
- Please submit your presentations of any link for our archive, and we will endeavor to get the spirit of your presentation in the opening event
- Submissions are open to any organization or individual who would like to participate
SUBMISSION DEADLINE: September 1, 2018
The Delphi Process
As always our success or demise is about communication. The Delphi Process was a major advancement made by the Rand Corporation that developed the first Think Tanks.
The Delphi Method is a catalyst to bring those together for the benefit of unprecedented cooperation. It is simply passionate ego-free communicating and creating.
Lewis Thomas MD, on the Method:
“Because of the urgency of the problems ahead, various modifications of the old standard committees have been devised in recent years, in efforts to achieve better grades of collective thought.”
“There are the think tanks, hybrids between committees and factory, little corporations for thinking………Industries have organized their own encounter groups, in which executives stride
around crowded rooms bumping and shouting at each other in hopes of prodding out new ideas. But the old trouble persists: people assembled for group thought are still, first of all, individuals in need of expressing selfness.
The latest invention for getting around this is the DELPHI technique.
This was an invention worked out by some Rand Corporation people dissatisfied with the committee.
The method has a simple almost silly sound. Instead of having meetings, questionnaires are circulated to the members of a group and each person writes his answer out and; sends them back in silence. Then the answers are circulated to all members and they are asked to reconsider and fill out the questions again after paying attention to the other views. Three cycles are usually enough.
It is almost humiliating to be told that Delphi works, sometimes wonderfully well. Ones first reaction is resentment at still another example of social manipulation, social science trickery, behavior control.
Maybe, after all this is a way of preserving the individual and all his selfness, and at the same time linking minds together so that a group can do collective figuring. The best of both worlds in short.
What Delphi is, is a really quiet, thoughtful conversation in which everyone gets a chance to listen.
There are no voices, and therefore no rising voices. It is when you look at it this way, a great discovery. Before Delphi, real listening in a committee meeting has always been a near impossibility.” –Lewis Thomas, M.D. From his book The Medusa and the Snail.
Looking Forward To Your
Inclusion For Our Presentation
A multimedia presentation for us all to
create Including O.U.R. Magical
Holistic Renaissance
Happy Heart
For our 2018 Gathering Creation
With the
Delphi Process
Submit Your Presentation
Please use the form below to submit your work to us. If you need assistance, please contact us at: submissions@ourholisticrenaissance.org